SMM: Context

SMM: Context
$30.99 over 5 years ago

SMM: Context is the first release in Ghostly International's new yearly compilation series of evocative, exploratory music. In 2003, Ghostly International introduced SMM, an unknown acronym used to evaporate the already unspooling musical boundaries between classical minimalism, electronic and drone composition, film soundtracks, and fragile imaginary landscapes. SMM: Context features a hand-picked selection of some of the world’s finest musicians from Poland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, North America and the UK who traffic in SMM’s slow-moving, texture-focused compositions, simple in instrumentation, but infinitely complex in execution. The songs on SMM: Context can’t be categorized. They do their work in a multitude of ways, seeming to change depending on when and how they're listened to, providing a backdrop for life's small movies, or—if you’re not into the whole “ambient as life soundtrack” thing—acting as their own context, existing simply as elegant, heartbreakingly beautiful music. Track Listing: Disc 1: Goldmund - Motion Leyland Kirby - Polaroid Svarte Greiner - Halves Christina Vantzou – 11 Generations of My Fathers Jacazek - Elegia The Fun Years – Cornelia Amygdaloid Manual – Three Parts Aiden Baker - Substantiated Raphael Anton Irisarri – Moments Descend on My Windowpane Kyle Bobby Dunn – Runge’s Last Stand Peter Broderick - Pause