Teggie Lucy's Story ~ Paperback ~ Roger David Francis

Teggie Lucy's Story ~ Paperback ~ Roger David Francis

Lucy was an ordinary girl. She never wanted excitement. She never expected to find evil. She slept peacefully at night. Or at least she did! Her deepest darkest nightmares could not prepare her for what was coming. The world had changed. Her innocence gone, Lucy had a new challenge.Teggie was coming. Is Teggie a myth or a long lost cousin to the Loch Ness monster? Hiding in the depths, waiting to return.................. Teggie is awake. The cycle is complete. And now, Teggie wants to live!Author BiographyAuthor Roger David Francis from North Wales had always been fascinated by the supernatural. Whilst researching his great love the infamous Loch Ness monster, Roger discovered Teggie another sea creature, and thus the story begins. Having grown up in the Midlands, Roger's childhood was dominated by Sci fi and Fantasy. Stories of haunted houses and mystical monsters inspired Roger to write about the Beast of Lake Bala. He supports several local animal charities and regularly sends donations to help with the upkeep of abandoned donkeys and horses. Over the years, Roger has worked as a radio presenter and even done some live theatre. Roger current interests include working with Independent Local Film makers to make fun, exciting and entertaining films.