My Book of Words for School

My Book of Words for School

My Book of Words for School ISBN: 9781941082508 Publication Date: 1 July 2016 Vital vocabulary for all school subjects Help your child harness the power of vocabulary in math, science, social studies, and language arts. These new additions to our verbal skills line teach your child to read and write important vocabulary for all major subjects, using an engaging visual approach. Learning words related to school subjects is an essential step toward secondary education and career readiness. Full colour About the Author Kumon workbooks are based on the "Kumon Method", an educational philosophy that aims at unlocking the full learning potential of each individual child. The Kumon Method introduces learning concepts in an incremental, step-by-step approach, allowing children to master new skills easily and without anxiety or frustration. As a result, children gain confidence in their abilities and are motivated to learn on their own.