Hug-A-Bub Organic Pocket Wrap Byron Blue

Hug-A-Bub Organic Pocket Wrap Byron Blue
$99.99 over 7 years ago

Details: Looking for the ultimate newborn carrier? - The Hug-a-Bub® Wrap Carrier, if used only for the first 3 months of your baby’s   life, will have profound long-term benefits for you both.  - This is not just a baby transportation device, the Wrap Carrier meets a very   specific new born need for closeness and support. - Very few carriers are designed to suit newborn babies but the Hug-a-Bub®    is safe and suitable for even the tiniest premature baby.  Perfect for kangaroo   care, a mother's body temperature will regulate to suit what her baby    needs, rising when the baby is cold, falling when the baby is hot. And your   baby's head is cradled and supported against your chest, promoting healthy    spine development.  Why Compromise? - Babies have many needs, as do parents. Hug-a-Bub® carriers and slings are    designed to be worn throughout the day so that neither of your needs have    to be sacrificed. - Hug-a-Bub® carriers allow you to be hands-free and continue to do what you   enjoy to do while maintaining the sense of closeness and connection with    your baby. You can bring your baby everywhere and have the freedom to do   so much more.  The Wrap Carrier is availavle in two styles: - The Hug-a-Bub® Certified Organic Pocket Wrap carrier is made from the world's    most highly certified Organic interlock cotton and including the unique   self-storing pocket. The soft, heavenly material comes in many earthy colours.- These exquisite pocketed wraps pamper parent and baby in comfort and style. - The Hug-a-Bub® Pocketless Wrap carrier boasts all the convenience of the    wrap, is ideal for warmer weather or as a second carrier and comes at    a price to delight the budget conscious. Note: Please seek medical advice to confirm that the Hug-a-Bub is appropriate for your premie baby.   Video shown is for reference only, product description, options, instructions, colours etc. may vary for Australian model.