Hatched in Newtown ~ Paperback ~ Kelley T Jansson

Hatched in Newtown ~ Paperback ~ Kelley T Jansson

When Kelley T. Jansson wrote her funniest childhood stories for her elderly parents as a Christmas present in 2011, she could not have predicted how much they enjoyed the gift. Her mother, in particular, relished the humorous record of the family's most memorable moments. Less than eight weeks later, somewhat unexpectedly, her 83-year old mother died. In the wake of her mother's passing, the author applied herself to publish the stories as a tribute to her parents. With tales that involve pets, chores, relatives, school, travels, and a soccer team, Kelley T. Jansson captures the essence of her childhood growing up in a really old house with two loving parents who started a family a little later than others in their generation. The author also details the life of her parents with entirely different backgrounds: her father from Stratford, Connecticut, and her mother from San Antonio, Texas. Kelley T. Jansson shares the heroic and tragic tales of both her parents who grew up in the Great Depression and survived World War II.Author BiographyKelley T. Jansson grew up in a historic colonial home in Newtown, Connecticut. She attended the Newtown Public Schools K-12 and graduated from Newtown High School in 1985, having captained the inaugural varsity girls' soccer team. She has worked in the high-tech sector for more than twenty years and holds a B.S. and M.S. in engineering as well as an MBA. Ms. Jansson is a memoir enthusiast and self-proclaimed book addict. She currently resides in Newtown, Connecticut.