LUD 50FT Ultralight Flexible 3X Expandable Garden Magic Water Hose Pipe Green

LUD 50FT Ultralight Flexible 3X Expandable Garden Magic Water Hose Pipe Green
$59.99 over 1 year ago

50FT Ultralight Flexible 3X Expandable Garden Magic Water Hose Pipe BlueNoteThis item is an authentic parallel-import and items will be shipped from our suppliers warehouse and may take 1 to 2 days processing after payment confirmation. Parcel will be sent out by International Registered Post Courier Service and may take 4 to 10 working days for delivery. Please click Dpex if 12 character or UBI if 21 character to track. If this product requires a charger An Australian Certified Charger will be provided with this product instead of the original charger.Selected product only