Phlat Ball Neon

Phlat Ball Neon
$12.49 over 7 years ago

Throw a disc, catch a ball! Phlat Ball is a unique toy that transforms from a 5.75" flying disc to a 4" diameter ball when thrown. It's soft plastic, flexible material provides a comfortable grip for active play! Three cool neon colours to collect orange, green and pink. One supplied. For ages 5 years and over. Phlat Potato (2+ players) Objective of the game: Be the last player in the game. Before play, players sit or stand facing each other in a circle. One player sets the time delay by collapsing Phlat Ball into a disc. The disc is then tossed from player to player in a counter-clockwise direction. The player who first touches Phlat Ball after it 'pops' into a ball is out. The game continues until one player is remaining. Phunky Monkey (3+ players) Objective of the game: Keep Phlat Ball away from the 'monkey'. Before play, one or more 'monkeys' and two 'end' players are chosen. End players face each other at a comfortable throwing distance; the monkey can stand anywhere in between. End players proceed to throw Phlat Ball back and forth to each other, avoiding the monkey. End players must throw Phalt Ball as a disc and cannot touch it until it transforms into a ball. The monkey can take possession of the Phlat Ball when in disc or ball form. If the monkey gets Phlat Ball, the end player who last touched Phlat Ball switches places with the monkey. Phun Tag (3+ players) Objective of the game: Be the last player in the game. Each player is given a number. To start play, one player sets the time-delay, places Phlat Ball on the ground, and yells out another player's number. Everyone then runs away from Phlat Ball except the player whose number is yelled. This player waits for Phlat Ball to 'pop' into a ball, then picks it up and yells for the players to stop. He/she then chooses a player and takes two 'giant' steps of ten 'baby' steps towards him/her. 'Tagging' the player with Phlat Ball (by tossing as a ball) removes the player from the game. The time-delay is again set and another number yelled. The game continues until one player remains. Ultimate Phlat Ball (4+ players) Objective of the game: Score a goal by catching Phlat Ball in the end zone. Players form two teams. All players pass, receive, and defend. To start play, from one end zone, Phlat Ball is thrown to the opponents positioned in the other end zone. The offence moves Phlat Ball downfield by throwing it. A goal is scored by catching Phlat Ball in the end zone. The defence tries to prevent the offence from scoring by blocking or intercepting a throw.  Phlat Ball can only be thrown as a disc and caught or touched as a ball. Possession transfers to the other team if Phlat Ball is touched as a disc or touches the ground. Players cannot move while holding Phlat Ball. Contact is not allowed.