Rain&Town Basalt RC750 Rain to Mains System with Pressure Pump and Saddle Cover

Rain&Town Basalt RC750 Rain to Mains System with Pressure Pump and Saddle Cover
$730 about 7 years ago

The Rain and Town's RC750 Rains to Mains change over system prevents the supply of mains water while rain water is in the tank. Once the tank is empty, the system automatically reverts to supplying mains water. Once the tank refills, the pump automatically restarts and supplies the rain water. The kit comes complete with pressure pump, pressure controller, saddle style poly pump cover, switch over device, flexible hose fittings and in-line suction filter. This system is only suited to flooded suction applications and is ideally suited for the supply of laundry and toilets. The system comes with a two year warranty.