The Fire of Fear ~ Paperback ~ Churaumanie Bissundyal

The Fire of Fear ~ Paperback ~ Churaumanie Bissundyal

Gregg Larry, torn between his parentsa Christian morals and the underworld of New York, cannot bear to see his girlfriend Nina Gazukin work as a stripper. Greggas ordeal begins when Marco Ventura abducts Nina, imprisons her in Brazil, then secretes a catalyst for Greggas HIV fears. Gregg plummets deeper into agony when another stripper, Yanari Diaz, lures and marries him, then insures his life for three million and sets out to kill him. In love with her handsome boss, Marco Ventura, she becomes an accomplice in his plot to win his favor, but everything backfires on her when she falls tumultuously in love with Gregg. When Yanari refuses to kill Gregg, the story rockets into bloodcurdling scenes of her and Ninaas struggles and of the diabolic rivalry between Gregg and Marco. In a metaphor of Prometheusa fire, each main character oscillates between death and love, waiting for the verdict of the storyas last word.