Golden Axe: Beast Rider ~ Xbox 360

Golden Axe: Beast Rider ~ Xbox 360

Golden Axe Beast Rider is an all-new take on the legendary Golden Axe arcade game, optimized to harness the power of next-generation consoles. This retelling broadens the Golden Axe story while retaining all of the nostalgic elements players expect from the brand. Players take the role of Amazon warrior Tyris Flare in this adventure to vaquish the evil Death Adder. Tyris is out for revenge, having lost loved ones to the brutal expansion of Death Adder’s dark empire. Only Tyris has the knowledge and power to end the genocide that Death Adder and his minions are responsible for. Magic and melee weaponry are at Tyris’ disposal, and both means of offense can be upgraded throughout the adventure. Backing Tyris up are a host of massive beasts - killing machines that can be used to ride into battle, provide defense from approaching enemies, and offer a substantial advantage in close combat. Grand-scale reconstructions of environments from the original arcade game give battlefields a greater sense of scope and history. Humorous ‘inside references’ - such as the need to kick gnomes for power-ups - will reward players who have fond memories of the prior games. And a somber, realistic tone will define Golden Axe Beast Rider as a thematic departure from the core franchise. Features: Mounted combat: Unleash a barrage of bites, claws and special attacks, as well as furious swings from the Hero’s own weapon. On-foot combat: In line with the series’ lineage, on-foot combat plays a key role in this game, allowing players to alternate between light attacks, heavy attacks, blocks, ripostes, magic, and grappling. Realistic dismemberment: Not only will limbs and heads fly off in sword combat, the beasts in Golden Axe Beast Rider will be able to tear enemies apart as well. Fidelity to the classic games: Environments, magic, enemies, and beasts are designed to evoke fond memories of the original games. Robust single-player campaign: Single player adventure offers more than 12 hours of critical-path gameplay; the option to choose from one of three heroes to play as increases replay value.