Safe T Sleep Headwedge

Safe T Sleep Headwedge

The HEADwedge has been specifically designed to be used in conjunction with a Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap . The HEADwedge is aimed to help prevent flat head syndrome occuring in young infants which is a growing concern worldwide. HEADwedge – to be used together with the Safe T Sleep Sleepwap babywrap ‘The younger the baby, the softer the head’ The little Safe T Sleep HEADwedge assists parents and caregivers to help position baby's head on alternate sides. This helps prevent Positional Plagiocphaly flat (deformed) heads, which is an on-going worldwide concern. Globally approximately 40% of flat deformed heads DO NOT self-correct despite all efforts. This is a very significant statistic and causes much unnecessary trauma. Sometimes the problems are cosmetic and/or involve brain impairment. The American Association of Paediatrics estimates over 40% never self correct and that over 10% globally need surgery! Use the HEADwedge tucked WELL underneath the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap babywrap on alternate side of baby’s head at each sleep.